

The Assault Has Begun.

A vast armada of Alien warships unleash a deadly assault on the Earth. Taken by surprise, Earth's forces are crushed and only a small squadron of experimental fighters remain. The only chance for survival lies with you and a band of crack fighter pilots.

Title: Shockwave

Release: 1994

Developer: Electronic Arts, Inc.

Type: Video Game with Cutscenes

Platforms: 3DO (as Shockwave), Mac, Pippin, PlayStation, Saturn, Windows (as Shockwave Assault)



Title One
Vid Pic One      

While the 1994 3DO version is simply titled Shockwave, the Mac, Pippin, PlayStation, Saturn, and Windows versions are all titled Shockwave Assault.

An expansion version of the game called Shockwave Assault: Operation Jumpgate features 5 new levels and was released for 3DO and PlayStation in 1994.

A sequel titled Shockwave 2: Beyond The Gate was released for 3DO in 1995.

Commander Crane..... Will Marchetti

Major Stewart..... Marcia Pizzo

Daniel Barton..... Kenneth Warne

Lt. Major Eason..... Steven A. Jones

Director..... Roy Anthony Cox

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