Enter the world of "The X-Files" as field agent Craig Willmore, assigned to assist Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Skully in their latest investigation into paranormal activity. Follow a trail of elusive clues, sift through evidence at the crime scene, use a wide range of standard issue FBI equipment and special tools, conduct interviews with witnesses and suspects, and make critical decisions to solve an all new X-Files case.

(description from the back of the Playstation Version)

Title: The X-Files Game

Release: 1998

Developer: Hyperbole Studios

Publisher: Fox Interactive

Type: Mystery

Platforms: Mac, PC, Playstation

Title One
Vid Pic One      

Based on the hit television show "The X-Files."

The story was written by "The X-Files" creator Chris Carter.



Excellent for fans of the show/movies.

Craig Willmore..... Jordan Lee Williams

Dana Skully..... Gillian Anderson

Fox Mulder..... David Duchovny

Walter Skinner..... Mitch Pileggi

Story by..... Chris Carter

Directed by..... Greg Roach

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